Internships for Data Science


There are plenty of opportunities! You just have to look in the right places 🙂 Many companies won’t have the position “Data Science Intern” listed on their website the same way that Software Engineering internships are listed. The best way is to contact a recruiter directly or have someone who works there refer you. And the best time to apply is now! Here is a current list of companies that are hiring data science interns for summer 2015 (in alphabetical order):

and many more…

Three Qualities that make you a Data Scientist


Most googled quote related to data science is Qualities of a Data Scientist.

Exploring, Analyzing and Visualizing Data are three things that every data scientist does.Data Science is a congregation of machine learning, Statistics and Visualization. Exploration and analysis are interrelated and as called as Exploratory data analysis.In other words, we can call it as Knowledge discovery process.The knowledge discovery process , also called knowledge discovery in databases,seeks new knowledge in some application domain. It is defined as the nontrivial process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in data. The process generalizes to non database sources of data, although it emphasizes databases as a primary source of data. It consists of many steps (one of them is DM), each attempting to complete a particular discovery task and each accomplished by the application of a discovery
method. Knowledge discovery concerns the entire knowledge extraction process, including how data are stored and accessed, how to use efficient and scalable algorithms to analyze massive datasets, how to interpret and visualize the results, and how to model and support the interaction between human and machine. It also concerns support for learning and analyzing the application domain.It is a process of finding useful data from a collection of structured and unstructured data and visualizing it.

How do I become a data Scientist?


Solid foundation typically in computer science and applications,  modeling, statistics, Data Analysis  and math are  required for being a Data Scientist. The best way to become a   data scientist is to learn – and do – data science.

In other Words,

“The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.”                                                 – Carly Fiorina, former CEO, Hewlett-Packard Co.

“Data is the new science. Big data holds the answers.”                                                                                       – Pat Gelsinger, CEO, EMC

Road-map to become a data scientist developed by Swami Chandrashekaran :


There are a many excellent courses and tools available online that can help you get there.

Here is an outline that one can start with:

Coursera-Linear Algebra

Coursera-Analysis of Algorithms

Coursera- Introduction to Databases

Probability and Statistics for Programmers

Statistical Formulas For Programmers

Coursera- Data Analysis

Coursera- Statistics One

Google Developers R Programming Lectures

Introduction to R – DataCamp

Scientific Python Lectures

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

Hadoop Tutorial – Yahoo

Hortonworks Sandbox

Learning to Process Big Data with MapReduce and Hadoop – Hands-On Exercises

Predictive Analytics: Data Preparation

Data Wrangling in Pandas, Data Wrangler


Data science in R

Coursera-Computing for Data Analysis in R

Getting Started With Python For Data Science

Exploratory Data Analysis in R

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

UC Berkeley: Descriptive Statistics

Basic Unix Shell Commands for the Data Scientist

Data Mining Map

Tableau-Training & Tutorials

Data visualisation in R with ggplot2 and plyr,

Data Literacy Course — IAP

UC Berkeley Introduction to Data Science

Coursera-Introduction to Data Science

Teach Data Science-Syracuse University

Harvard Data Science Course Homework

Google’s Python Class,

Coursera – Introduction to Python,

Python Open Source E-Book